Locate illegal taps and potential losses, fast.
By deploying a tactical, persistent, resilient, and cost-effective Unmanned Aerial Sensor service, you gain an edge over the fast-changing business environment.
✓ Identify and locate damages and human activity on the pipeline.
✓ Optimize the use of your systems with Change Detection and Predictive Analytics to create feedback that empowers all levels to make precise and time constrained decisions.
✓ Monitor maintenance operations in real-time.
✓ Understand your right-of-way with accurate and detailed aerial information.
✓ Enable and support shorter operational decision loops.

Prevention is always less expensive than recovery. Our technology integration and capabilities allow you to prevent losses.
Including a Tactical Unmanned Aerial Sensor service in your arsenal allows not just for real-time recovery of losses but is predictive of future losses. Conventional drone operators lack key knowledge in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance information acquisition.
We have the insight to know what is actionable now, predictive or redundant. We understand and have the experience to know the difference.
Don’t pay for what you do not need. Not all Tactical Unmanned Aerial Sensor providers fit into your industry’s needs. Procontours is not one size fits all. We know that you need a service that works for you and doesn’t just claim the “best” Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.